Natas Kaupas
This is Natas Kaupas, a legendary skateboarder. This is a video of him from the late 80's skateboarding. He was very creative and made skateboarding what it is today. He revolutionized everything about it. Natas was a nice guy and he was also courageous. The guy had the guts to go and try new tricks, and just have fun. He mad many new tricks including the Natas Spin, wallride, street kickflip, and handrails. He always was one step ahead of everyone else. He was polite and respectful also. All these traits made people look up to him and admire him. This artifact is significant because it shows Natas and all the creative tricks he made up. This video made him alot more famous when it came out. Without this guy, skateboarding might have never been as popular and well-known as it is today.
Danny Way jumping Great Wall of China!
Danny Way is also a skateboarding legend. He is very courageous and brave. This video shows him jumping The Great Wall of China not many years ago. He has done many other things such as do the first front flip on a MegaRamp. He isn't very well-known outside of the skateboarding world but he inside the skateboarding world he is know for his love and dedication for the sport. This is significant because it shows how far skateboarding has come. China let this guy skate over The Great Wall of China! Now thats an honor. Also it shows a quality that many skateboarders have, courage.
Rodney Mullen Biography Part 1
Rodney Mullen Biography Part 2
Rodney Mullen Biography Part 3
Rodney Mullen is just like Natas Kaupas but alot more famous. They call him the godfather of skateboarding. He invented more tricks and more things for skateboarding than anyone. He has a down to earth personality and is loved by everyone. He is nice and is also like Danny Way, very dedicated to the sport. He has more focus and conentration than many people. This is a significant artifact because Rodney Mullen is a skateboarding hero and this is a biography of him. So this is very important in information I acquired.
Leo Romero- First Love
This video is about a professional skateboarder, Leo Romero, and how he just loves to skate, it was his first love. This is significant information because many people know this feeling, just loving skateboarding and everything about it. It is a first love to many.
Bob Burnquist-Oakley Our Life
This is a video about Bob Burnquist. In the starting he talks about his love for skateboarding and how it has allowed him to do other things. It is is significant because it show how skateboarding can change a person's life forever.
Rob and Big
Rob and Big is a show on MTV about the life of professional skateboarder, Rob Dyrdek. Him and his security guard and best friend, Big Black, go skateboard and on crazy adventures. Rob Dyrdek is a skateboarding hero and is very well-liked. This is significant because it shows how popular skateboarding has become. Many people look up to professional skateboarders now a days. You don't see many baseball players and basketball players with there own TV shows. It also shows that skateboarding heroes are outgoing.
Skate Plaza
The picture above depicts a new kind of skatepark called a Skate Plaza. The idea was thought up by professional skateboarder Rob Dyrdek. The first one was made in Kettering, Ohio and now there are hundreds over the world. This is significant because it shows how creative skateboarders are. There is a documentary out call, Groundbreaking which is about the first skate plaza ever made. Rob had to design the whole entire park. He thought up the whole concept.
Kick Push by Lupe Fiasco
This song is about skateboarding and a guy who has been surrounded about skatebooarding his life. This was a very popular song 2 years ago. It is significant information because it shows like many things I have posted how popular skateboarding has become. Many people who I know who don't skateboard listened to this song and liked it alot. I was even surprised how popular this song had been. Even rappers skateboard now a days.
Heaven is a Halfpipe by OPM
This song is also a very popular song about skateboarding. The guy in the band is talking about if he goes to heaven, at least he will be able to skate. This is significant because it shows yet again how popular skateboarding has become.
"Do what you love and try not to look at what other people occupy themselves with. Most people seem restless and bounce around too much to focus or even pay attention enough to themselves to figure out exactly what they really do love, as opposed to what the people that surround them are doing."
-Rodney Mullen
"Skateboarding is not just about doing a kickflip here and there its about the love for the sport and the progression."
-Dave Perry
The only sound I ever remember is the sound of the pop, the landing and the riding.
- Rodney Mullen
"I don't have much to say except I love skateboarding"
-Rodney Mullen
"I won't quit skating until I am physically unable"
-Tony Hawk
"Its a strange Phenomenon, how a piece of wood, wheels, and a turning system, has made so many people, so happy."
-Chris Cole
"It is this unexplainable feeling that is addicting and you can only understand if you skateboard"
-Matt Feller
"You know that feeling, like all day thinking, I can't wait to go home and skate"
-Ryan Gallant
"Skateboarding has given me everything in my life, it has opened so many doors for me. I owe my life to skateboarding"
-Bob Burnquist
"It's a way to step out"
-Ryan Sheckler
After looking over all my research and artifacts, I have found many things. Skateboarding is a popular sport that has grown in the past couple decades and it is continuing to grow into a bigger phenomenon. Many people's lives have been changed by skateboarding such as Bob Burnquist, who lived in Brazil as a child with asthma. He has come along way and now is very popular in the U.S. and in his home country of Brazil. He says, "I owe my life to skateboarding". It's not just Bob either, I have heard many stories of people have been changed so much by skateboarding. Something else I have found is that skateboarding is very disliked by many people. They think it is a bad thing because of all the false rumors that go along with skateboarding. You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Every sport and hobby out there has good people and people who have done bad things. I skateboard and I am a nice, polite guy from Edina, MN. I have done nothing wrong and still I have seen people give me glares when I skateboard past them. Some people just don't understand it I have learned from my research. Skateboarding is also well-liked though I have come to learn also. There are many TV shows that are based around skateboarding and skateboarders. I also have learned many traits of skateboarding heroes such as nice, outgoing, courageous, and creative. Many people I have seen in my research were nice and very creative with their skateboards. They think of new ways to do tricks. You never would think that there would be such things like skateboarding heroes but I have learned one very important thing from this research. Heroes come in different shapes, sizes, lifestyles, and anything you can imagine. The image isn't everything in a hero it's what they are like inside and what they have accomplished as a human or as anything else. You can find a hero to admire anywhere just keep your eyes open.
1 comment:
I love your post so much , you helped me get to know my favourite skater and find one of my own skateboard hero.
And I look up to him.
Thanks Jason , you rock.
And I'm a Skater myself =)
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