Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Outside Reading Blog #6

I have now finished the novel, Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell. It finshed by putting everything that Gladwell had conveyed throughout the novel and put together and showed you how it worked. It showed how everything together made it easy to understand how success actually happens. I really liked this book because it took my idea of success and turned it in every direction. Sitting down and reading this book, I really had to think and I couldn't just flow through the pages like a childrens book. Gladwell made you involved and made you think things before you could understand the next part and he made me try to start thinking outside the box. I use to believe that successful people were just better than everyone else and that they were naturally that way. That is not the case though, it depends on who you are, where you are and where you are from, why you are here, when you are here or there, what you do here or there, how you that here or there, and many other factors that must be added to the equation. For example, someone like Lebron James, its not as simple as make baby=greatest basketball player living. It would be something like make baby+make baby at this time+live here with kid+kid gets these opportunites+kid does this+kid has this ethnicity=greastest basketball player living. People should read this novel and start realizing that and stop just glorifying could have been normal people. They should thank places and times and people and everything that helped that person become successful, they deserve the credit not the successful person who just got lucky. That's why I liked this novel and I would recommend it to anybody out there wanting a book that is just a normal perspective. Something that makes you think more and look more closely at things.
